Contact Monica


    7 October 2015: Norfolk & Norwich Edith Cavell 2015 Commemoration: Norwich Forum talk: ‘The mystery of Mrs B.: Nurse Cavell’s forgotten colleague in the secret network’

    9 October 2015: Waterstones, Brussels: talk, and launch of Miss Cavell Was Shot: The Diaries of Amy Hodson, 1914–1920

    9 February 2017: Balliol Archives talk: ‘“Your Dear youths”: schoolboy letters of the 1780s and a strange link to the Brontës’

    14 May 2021: Canolfan Gwleidyddiaeth a Chymdeithas Cymru / Centre for Welsh Politics and Society: CWPS ‘Placing Wales’ online seminar: ‘“The musical clack of a flock of geese”: Travel guides and the Welsh language in the Romantic period’

    20 May 2021: Oxford University Society of Belgium, zoom talk: ‘Lies, trains and revolution: My Jenkins family and the Brontës’

    2 September 2021: Aberystwyth Early Modern Conference, online: ‘Turkish melons in late 18th-century Andover and the Scottish Enlightenment’.

    12 November 2021: University of South Wales, Imagining History Conference, online: ‘“I do love these ancient ruins”: poetry in Romantic-period guides to Wales’.

    16 February 2022: Aberystwyth Department of English and Creative Writing, online: ‘Lies and the Brontës: The Quest for the Jenkins Family and the background to Charlotte’s Villette’.

    30 April 2022: Brussels Brontë Group, talk: ‘Do you like the truth? The Brontës and my Family’. The Brussels Brontë Group

    7 June 2022: University of Wales Trinity Saint David, Lampeter, ‘Wales and the World’ conference: ‘Slaves but Slate?: How did early travel writers (1800–1832) describe the first Baron Penrhyn and his works in North Wales?’

    2 July 2022: Bradford Literature Festival, 24th June – 3rd July 2022 (

    Michael Sheen performs ‘Do not go gentle into that good night’ by Dylan Thomas – YouTube

    Monica Kendall
